For 30 years, we have been studying and protecting the seals of the Somme Bay. Up until today, the young seals which had been stranded on the beach were cared for in our rescue centre situated on a piece of land belonging to the "Bird House" and which we have had to give back.
So, at present, we have no longer got a centre to accommodate the first seals of the season arriving at the beginning of July. We must make every effort to be able to accommodate 8 of them as early as June and as many as 16 in July in Abbeville, where we have just acquired a completely bare piece of ground !!
For this project therefore we urgently require an important human and financial aid.
We have been supported by many volunteers for years. This priceless human mutual aid has enabled us to develop our activities : studies, informing the public, and protection of the marine mammals for decades. Unfortunately this year, in spite of the constant increase in the number of volunteers, the moving of the seals and the creation of our new health care centre is likely to jeopardise the very existence of our association and its activities.
The banks have refused to help us with a loan. We therefore find ourselves faced with the obligation to finance the care centre with our own funds (security) even if this puts our association in danger...
The idea came gradually, in the course of time, that a participative financing could help us to acquire this new centre in the middle of the Somme Bay.
Indeed numerous volunteers coming from all over France and even from abroad help us every year with studying and protecting the colony and tending to it in the centre. They thus led us to prefer this kind of financing in order to be able to take part in it rather than a call for a classic donation.
Any help will be welcome ! You can relay the crowdfunding pageon your social networks, speak of this to those around you, print flyers on our website and distribute them to the people likely to be interested by this action.
Association régionale de protection de la Nature et de l'Environnement
membre de France Nature Environnement, agréée par les ministères de l'Écologie et de l'Éducation Nationale
Picardie Nature - 233 rue Eloi Morel - 80000 AMIENS
- Tél. 03 62 72 22 50
Association loi 1901 déclarée en préfecture le 4 mars 1970 - siège social : 233 rue Eloi Morel - 80000 Amiens
Siret 381 785 120 00043 - APE 9104Z